national adj. 1.民族的;国民的;国家的;国民特有的。 2.国家主义的;爱国的。 3.国立的,国有的,国定的;全国性的。 a national air [anthem] 国歌。 the national assembly 国民代表大会。 the national debt 国债。 a national bank 国家银行;〔美国〕(加入联邦储备银行 Federal Reserve System 有发行钞票特权的)国民银行。 national salvation 救国。 national independence 民族独立。 a national park 国立公园。 a national enterprise 国营企业。 go national 〔美国〕把事业扩张到全国。 n. 1.国民(一分子);〔pl.〕 (尤指侨居国外的)同国人,同胞。 2.〔美国〕有许多支部的大学生联谊会。 3.〔常 pl.〕 全国性体育比赛。 the Grand N- (每年三月举行的)全国性大赛马。
The grand national will be run in spite of the bad weather . 尽管天气不好,一年一度的全国大马赛仍将举行。
By nature combative, the secretary of state alexander haig nevertheless embodied the national will . 美国国务卿黑格尽管生性好斗,却秉承举国上下的意志。
And spirit of our national will 和我们国家的精神意志
And spirit of our national will 和我们国家的精神意志
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 周二,中国驻太平洋大使馆称:近200多名中国公民将乘包机从汤加撤退。
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 据中国驻太平洋岛国大使称, 200多位华侨将于周四乘坐一架特许飞机撤离动荡的汤加。
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 据中国驻太平洋岛国大使馆消息, 200多位中国公民于周二乘包机离开动荡不安的汤加。
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 据中国驻太平洋岛国的消息,超过200名中国国籍公民将由特派飞机运送出是非地汤加。
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 中国驻太平洋岛国大使说, 200多名中国公民将于周四乘坐一架特许飞机撤离是非之地的汤加。
More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 周四一架特许的飞机将200名中国人运离麻烦城市汤加,该消息来源于太平洋岛国的中国大使馆。